Support SystemRestart-up Research Grant Program

Restart-up Research Grant Program has been launched from FY 2024.
Kyoto University provides a support grant to help researchers maintain their research activities and continue their careers when they are temporarily interrupted by life events such as childbirth, childcare, or family care.
Applications are scheduled to be held twice a year. You can apply regardless of gender.
Researchers in any field are eligible.
Applicants must be researchers employed by Kyoto University (faculty members, researchers, medical staff, etc.) who meet the following conditions:
- Those who must unavoidably suspend (or plan to suspend) their research activities for approximately three consecutive months or more due to pre/post-childbirth leave, childcare leave, or family care leave (hereinafter referred to as “leave, etc.”).
- Those who have returned to work within approximately one year from the start of the support (including those on pre-childbirth leave and expecting delivery).
- Those who will continue their research activities at the university during the support period.
(For details, please refer to the application guidelines)
Amount of grant
JPY 500,000
Support periods
First semester: April 1–March 31
Second semester: October 1–March 31
*Grants can be used only after returning to work from a period of leave, etc.
Other matters
- Both persons in a married couple may apply.
- Support will be provided only once per single leave period, etc. However, if you have taken a different leave, etc., other than the leave, etc., for which you are already receiving support, you may make a new support application.
- If you apply for the program with the assumption that you will return to work while taking leave, etc., please confirm the period for which you will return to work and ensure that it does not conflict with the grant period. As a general rule, if the recipient does not return to work as scheduled, the grant will be withdrawn. In the event of such circumstances, please contact the Diversity Promotion Section via your faculty/department’s administrative office.
Restart-up Research Grant Program (AY2025) will be launched
As part of its efforts to promote gender equality and healthy work-life balance, Kyoto University provides a support grant to help researchers maintain their research activities and continue their careers when they are temporarily interrupted by life events such as childbirth, childcare, or family care.
Researchers who wish to apply for the program are requested to submit an application form by the application deadline detailed below.
Application Deadline
First semester: December 2, 2024 (Monday)–January 15, 2025 (Wednesday)
Second semester: June 2, 2025 (Monday)–July 15, 2025 (Tuesday)
Other information: Other support systems after returning to work from a period of leave, etc.
iCeMS Analysis Center
If you are within approximately three years of returning to research after maternity, childcare, or nursing care leave, etc., and you are the Principal Investigator (responsible for use), you may be eligible for a reduction or exemption of the registration fee or technical consultation fee. Please contact the center at the time of registration for use of the group.