Other ServiceDay-Care Pick-Up Service

“I’m unable to collect my child from day-care on certain days of the week.” “I suddenly need to attend a meeting this evening, and might be late collecting my child from day care.” Have you ever experienced problems like these? The Kyoto University Gender Equality Promotion Center (abbreviated as Center) provides child pick-up and nursery services for researchers and students who have such problems. We commission a private company to provide the Day-Care Pick-Up service. A care provider (a sitter) will be sent from the company to collect your child from day care and provide temporary care at the Center’s day care room.
※Please note: service fees revised in April 2020.
Registration and Admission Process
1.Pre-Registration (via e-mail or fax) 【User】 → 【Center】
Pre-Registration for the service must be completed no later than 15:00 two days prior to the intended date of use. Fill in the Pre-Registration Form (available as a PDF or
Microsoft Word file) and submit it to the Center via e-mail or fax. Be sure to attach a copy of your staff or student ID card (PDF format acceptable), Notice of Employment, or other document that verifies your affiliation with Kyoto University. If it is necessary to change of the details entered in the Pre-Registration Form, please resubmit it.
2.Application (via e-mail or fax) 【User】 → 【Center】
Applications to use the service must be completed no later than 15:00 two days prior to the intended date of use. Fill in the Application Form (available as a PDF or
Microsoft Word File) and submit it to the Center via e-mail or fax. Applications are accepted during the Center’s business hours. Applications received after 17:00 are considered as received on the next business day. In certain circumstances, applications may be accepted until 15:00 on the intended date of use. In such case, however, applications may be declined if a care provider is not available.
3.Confirmation of Application 【Center】 → 【User】
After the Center receives your application, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address provided in your application.
4.Assignment of a Care provider (sitter) 【Service Provider】 → 【User】
The company commissioned to provide the service will contact you as soon as a care provider is assigned (if it is possible to provide the service). A photograph of the care provider will be sent in advance upon request.
5.Confirmation with the Care Provider 【Care Provider】 → 【User】
On the day prior to the date of use (or on the day of use, if the application was submitted on the day), the care provider will call the user to confirm where to pick up the child(ren), the means of pick up, meal requirements, the amount of expenses required, and other matters. Please confirm the details with the care provider to avoid any problems. Users should prepare any necessary meals, or if the care provider is requested to purchase meals, the user must specify the food to be purchased. Foods requested must be simple, easy-to-eat foods (such as rice balls and sandwiches) available at convenience stores, and costs must be covered by the user. Users must also prepare all necessary baby formula, baby’s bottles, baby foods, diapers, clothes, etc.
6.Payment of Fees 【User】 → 【Bank】
The fees for the Day-Care Pick-up Service (See the Day-Care Pick-Up Fee Table) must be paid by the designated due date in accordance with the invoice issued by the Company. Users are responsible for all bank transfer fees. Other expenses, including the transportation expenses of the care provider and the costs of children’s meals, must be paid directly to the care provider.
Compensation for damages resulting from the use of the center’s facilities is covered by the Comprehensive Non-Life Insurance for National Universities. Compensation for damages resulting from the service is covered by the liability insurance of the company that provides the child pick-up service.
Handling of private information
Private information collected by the Center during the admission process shall be used only for the purposes of providing the Day-Care Pick-Up Service and communicating with the users of the service.