Childcare ServiceDay-Care Pick-Up Service

“I’m unable to collect my child from day-care on certain days of the week.” “I suddenly need to attend a meeting this evening, and might be late collecting my child from day care.” Have you ever experienced problems like these? The Kyoto University Gender Equality Promotion Center (abbreviated as Center) provides child pick-up and nursery services for researchers and students who have such problems. We commission a private company to provide the Day-Care Pick-Up service. A care provider (a sitter) will be sent from the company to collect your child from day care and provide temporary care at the Center’s day care room.
※Please note: service fees revised in April 2020.
About the Day-Care Pick-Up Service
Location | The Day Care Room at the Kyoto University Gender Equality Promotion Center. |
Persons eligible to use the service | Students, faculty members, researchers, clinical fellows, and staff at Kyoto University (including recipients of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Research Fellowship for Young Scientists). |
Children eligible for the service | Children aged from two months up until 3rd year of elementary school. |
Area covered by the service | Within 40 minutes by public transportation (not that limited if you request the use of taxi and cover the costs). |
Maximum number of children that can be admitted | Approximately five children (may vary depending on factors such as the number of siblings and the age of the children). |
Days on which the Service is Available | Monday to Friday (except national holidays, Kyoto University Foundation Day (June 18), administrative staff summer and winter holidays, and other days on which closure is deemed necessary by the center’s director). |
Service hours | 17:00–22:00 Note: If a storm or other emergency warning is issued in Kyoto City before 10:30 a.m., the service will be canceled (even if the warning is later lifted). If a storm or other emergency warning is issued later in the day, parents should collect their children from the Day Care Room as soon as possible. |
Fees (inclusive of tax) | 1,040–1,300 yen per child per 30 minutes (fees vary depending on the time of day) 1.The minimum fee charged will be for two hours (even if the actual use of the service is less than two hours). 2.Users may be required to pay a commission fee or other expenses. *For more details, please see the Day-Care Pick-Up Fee Table. |